Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey All, I know I haven't finished uploading pictures. Here is hoping my efforts are successful tonight!

Sunday was 11 months since Allen passed. While I was in MI, I had a lot of time to think. I made a decision and choice in MI to move forward with my life. I will always have Allen in my heart; however, his physical presence is gone. I could choose to be sad and live in the past or reconstruct my life and discover a new me. As the one year marker is fastly approaching, I find myself thinking about the direction my life is taking me. I am taking a trip to Florida soon. That trip should help a lot as it will coincide with the one year point. Then, I will be seeing Nickelback in Concert upon my return. Lacrisha promised to keep me busy upon my return.

Anyway, the new me is the point of this blog. I wish to share and express my new life journey. There are things which I have always wanted to do yet never had. Now is the time for me to embark on those things. Scuba is one of them.

I went with a friend to Vortex in Florida. It is a scuba training center. First, my friend rocks! Second, I have been wanting to learn to dive for some time now and just have never moved forward with that desire. I observed the classes in and out of the water. I also met some cool and fun people. While my friend went cave diving, I had time to think about issues in my life that had been weighing on my mind. So, I thought, why not do it?

The course I am taking will be in Montgomery. It will be a blast. I've been glancing through the book and I so miss studying so now I have a study focus to help me get back into my school/study routine.

I'm off to try to upload pics!!!

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